Archive for Rob

Casual Items (Summer Order 2015)


Please Order using the form below. Due to errors in the shopping cart system, you’ll have to manually add the ‘to pay’ prices by adding up the costs of the items you want. Due to restrictions with the order form you’ll only be to order multiples of the same size (for sizing info click here) Below is each items alongside their pricing. Full zip will be used if the item is zipped.

Key to products: (example)

you see: ‘PTH1 Poly Tech Hoody GBP30’

Internal Product code, description, Price

Item PTH1, is a poly tech hoody and costs £30





We’ve done it, welcome to our newest member Alice who made the landmark 100th Blaydon Cycle club member. We’re just coming up to two years ‘officially’ for the club, and we’ve went from making a facebook page, to 8 members, up to 100 and growing. A huge thank you to each and every one of you who rides with us and helps us out in various ways.

We’re growing all the time, there’s never been a better time to get into cycling, especially now for the price of a bag of crisps and a pint… you can join us for the rest of the year! (That’s £5, and aye.. I’d say that’s an expensive pub too!)

If you are an official member please request to join members chat. click here to find it, and if you are not on it, we’ll authorise you.

Blaydon Kit: Pre order information

Good afternoon all, we’ve the potential for a new order for kit coming up soon, we were not planning one but due to high demand we’ll be order soon, first of all we are going to get the ‘casual’ order sorted. While you are waiting, and if you want new ON THE BIKE wear, please make sure you understand sizing information..

Visit custom section for size details, click on the items in the range (note: we won’t be offering them all) and click the sizing tab.

We will be using an online cart, this means once orders are placed they can’t be changed (to avoid confusion our end). We can then also use the admin system to alert everyone by email receipt when they are here. you also have a more solid proof of purchase.

Please bear with us, this will go live as soon as we can, all items need to be uploaded, double checked etc etc. We’ll let you know when it’s ready but this post is just to alert you asking we will be ordering jerseys etc soon, and it gives you time to check out sizing info etc.

Summer of cycling

This weekend le tour kicks off, why not kick your summer (and beyond) of cycling off with us, only £5 for the rest of the year!

Join Us


New Kit Arrival

 Good Morning all, Our new kit has arrived, check members chat page for collection instructions. We’re also looking at arranging an evening next week where anyone who can come down, can come into La Taverna and collect their gear. Our thanks go to Endura for sorting this all out for us.

Facebook: Race HQ

Just a quick line to let everyone know our ‘Blaydon Race HQ’ page has been removed, Originally this was a place for the race team to discuss and plan TT and race events, Through time and through some deliberation, we have decided to remove this group and all race planning will be done via the members chat forum, this helps everyone in long long run by making all club activity more inclusive and giving you less places to have to check to keep up to date with the latest happening within the club.

Members chat is open to subscribed members of the club if you are not a member of that page please ask us how to get access, if you’re not a member of the club, please refer to the main profile at for all our latest news, to race you must be a British Cycling member (race license needed) as well as be a club member.

All Change!

I’ve been sitting in front of this laptop for hours now! but some new changes for the club website are finally here. First of all you’ll notice a new banner at the top, I’ve also subtly changed the colour scheme from a generic red to the well known club red.

If you visit the site from your mobile phone you’ll also notice the website now works perfectly on mobile, any needless zooming, pinching and scrolling is no more, but if you like that kind of thing, the option is still there for you revert to desktop.

I’ve deleted a few redundant pages and working on some new content to make things that little bit nicer for you to look at. one such feature is when we order club kit, it’ll be done via a proper ‘online shop’ you’ll be to order multiple items and checkout just as you would on any other site. At the moment you’ll probably just see a pop-up message saying orders are closed. I am also working on a Blaydon ‘phonebook’ style directory so if you need to find any decent cafes we reccomend, any cycle shops or need a repair you need to go no further than your club. you’ll be to leave reviews using your social media accounts to give feedback on the shops and services, I guess what I am trying to do it Blaydon CC meets the ‘yellow pages vs trip advisor’.

A few pages may be renamed or re-ordered just to make them look that little bit tidier, it’s a long overdue spring clean that I hope gives a better impression of the club.


Writeup: SkyRide Newcastle & Gateshead 2015

First of all a massive thanks from me for the sea of Blaydon CC tops on display, those who made a special effort to ‘divert’ their rides via the Quayside to come and show the world what we do. A second huge thanks to the lads who helped man the information stall today, we spoke to some great local business and people, if you’re not with us yet, we look forward to welcoming you.

We all enjoyed our day in the sun speaking to people (They seen us coming, the planners put us opposite Greggs!).

To me I think the way riding has become pretty much a second/third job for me it’s so hard to forget why you got on two wheels to start with. Today when I did my lap of the course It was at a very steady (I would almost go as far as saying slow) pace for me, when I ride to work I want to get there as soon as possible, when I ride with others I sometimes want to go faster, further and higher… A little pleasurable weave over the 7km course seeing hundreds if not thousands of others taking part reminded me why I like cycling, everyone was happy, smiles all around, young and old, all shapes, all sizes on all manners of bikes. It was simply people out in the sun enjoying being outside.

If you’re new to us check our rides option at the top of the page for a run down of what we offer, as we expand (pushing 100 members now!) we’re hoping to be able to branch out, one such option is a personal interest of ‘Audax’ riding which I’m trying to introduce to a few who want a challenge! We’ve so much in the pipeline and so many ideas and we do it simply because we love cycling. We all have full time jobs as well as the club, and it keeps us busy but, seeing people out like they were today, is it worth all the emails, texts, keeping this website up to date, explaining for the 100th time what time we meet on a Sunday, in short, yes. It’s fantastic to be a part of something that’s constantly growing, constantly developing and it gives me a sense of pride when someone turns round to me and says ‘XX months ago I was this, jumped on the bike, now I am…’

If you have any further thoughts on your day at the sky ride please leave a comment below:

Club Update

There’s so much going on within the club so it’s time for a little web blog just to keep you up to speed, there’s no real ‘subject’ here but it’s an update and just a little few things I’ve seen over the past few weeks.

First of all come see us at the Newcastle Gateshead Sky Ride we’ll have a pitch in the middle of the market place, also there will be some local retailers, local clubs and usually Northumbria Police are there offering bike marking and crime reduction advice on cycling (and shed) security. Please come down and say hello to us, pop your jersey on and ride around the Quayside flying the Blaydon flag. If anyone asks you about the club let them know and ask them to pop by our stall. We’d love to see BCC colours flying high this year, If you can spare a few minutes stop by and chat to people coming to see us, we’re still a new club so people will want to know what we’re all about!

On the subject of club colours and as a matter of personal opinion, Please remember when you are in club colours, be you riding to work or on a club ride you’re an ambassador for the club, you’re ‘flying the flag’ so please do remember how you conduct yourself out and about, We want our members to be the ones who are friendly, courteous, and above all stick to the rules of the road because lets not forget they apply to everyone on wheels, cyclists already have a certain branding through excessive media articles and we’re all tarred with the same brush to many, let’s try and prove them wrong!

We’ve got loads of events lined up: check as always for the latest.


Reminder: BCC Members Chat

Just a little reminder that anyone who’s a subscribed member of Blaydon Cycle Club can access our members chat area.

You can find it linked above or by visiting on this page you can:

  • Arrange rides with other members
  • Buy / Sell / Swap items
  • Seek advice on upgrades and new kit
  • Share any special offers you see
  • Share any club discounts or benefits you may come across
  • Chat – In general about all things cycling and club related

Please note that this facility is only available for subscribed members of the club with valid memberships for this year.