Archive for Rob

All of our events….

If you simply read this website as opposed to our social feeds (we know a lot of people are not on Facebook, twitter etc for various reasons) save this to your bookmarks!

it’s hosted on facebook but you can view all events even without being a member or signed in.

any questions please post below:

Guest Blog….

Would anyone like to feature in a guest blog?
looking for members for an article on the website on what cycling means to them?

– a little about you
– where you started off in cycling
– where you are now and how you have improved
– what your first bike was
– why you love cycling
– what you like about the club (if you have been out with us)
– what you want to get out of cycling and your goals
– anything else you wish to tell us about bikes, cycling or just in general.

you can post your story (with a picture if you wish) below and ill collate them at the end of next week. or you can email them to blaydoncycleclub at gmail dot com
of course by posting or emailing your text and pictures you consent to us using them on our website for a blog on our members. This will hopefully give potential members a little insight into the club and its members.

Your blog will be here, on the club site, and it’s your chance to talk about what you love!
any questions ask below!

Development Group Ride 4

☺ 10am for 10:15
Sunday 11th May
☺ La Taverna NE21 4LU
☺ Route (please RSVP on the event, post on this page or tweet us to let us know you are coming)

Dev4 Map
We’ll meet at La Taverna for 10am and set off for 10:15, we will follow the red route for around 10 miles. The usual ‘Beginners Ride’ rules will apply. This route will return to the start point where anyone who only wishes to do our first 10 miles can leave the ride if they wish. The pace of the first 10 miles is very steady and suitable for anyone regardless of experience.
We then will continue to follow the blue marked route to bring the ride up to around 40 miles including a cafe stop. The additional loop is usually a little faster than the first 10 miles but the same rules apply where nobody is left behind. The longer route offers a bit more mixed terrain to allow you to develop skills and pick up new techniques such as climbing.

Any questions, or i if you want to know more simply post below on the event wall:

Development Ride Guidelines

27th April Rides

A very rainy Sunday seen 2 rides head out, we’re now edging towards calling our ‘Beginners Rides’ Development Rides as that is a more accurate portrayal of what they are, a chance for everyone new, experienced or whatever your ability to learn now ways of riding, pick up tips and cheer each other on.

The first ‘big’ ride seen 6 head up towards Blanchland, over the tops into the North Pennines then loop back at around 50 miles, from what I heard the going was quite fast, and it too was a bit of a soaking wet ride.

The Second ride which was our ‘Beginner’/Development ride had 15 riders who joined us, unusually (due to a weeks break for Easter) both rides started at 9am at La Taverna.

The first loop into Newcastle was pretty uneventful in such a way everyone kept close, and we got there without incident, we got to our second lap and decided due to the rain to slightly reduce the remaining ride to around 30 miles, in that short 20 miles or so we had a broken spoke, and a bottle cage that managed to sheer from the frame of a bike, add that to a little set up error at the very start it may have been one of those rides where we had our most ‘mechanicals‘.

All in all feedback for the development rides is superb, we are getting our highest ridership and we do hope that within a short time those on our short rides can progress to the extra loop then soon the ‘main’ club rides.

as always we seek any feedback or comments, you can leave these below by simply using your twitter or facebook details (other services can be used as well). These rides are becoming a firm favourite and we’d like to improve on an already successful idea.

Beginners Ride 3

They say 3rd time lucky… We hope so! Building on the previous success of the past two rides we are offering another shorter ride. The first part is 10-11 miles of relatively flat riding, the second part is more like a ‘typical’ club run but with a few extra point to which we regroup.

We will ride the 1st 10-11 miles at a pace to suit everyone, we then return to start to drop off the first group then riders may continue onto the full ride.

for all rides you must wear a cycle helmet, no helmet, no ride. You should bring suitable water (or drinks) and snacks to keep you going on the ride.

Please inform us that you are coming by clicking if you don’t use facebook please comment below with Name and number of people coming (Under 18’s must have an adult with them).
FULL RIDE DETAILS are on the above link and updates generally sent via facebook. For more general information on our introduction rides / Beginners rides please click here

On the longer loop there is a cake stop. please bring cash just in case there is no card facility.

Subs: An update

I’ve had a few emails, tweets, etc etc about new members paying subscriptions:

I thought it would be appropriate to update all on the status of subscribing for those already not ‘paid up’ members who have expressed an interest.

First of all on behalf of the club thanks very much for your support, the growing membership list is great!

We have raised the money initially need to cover set up costs for the club, so now there is no great urgency to ‘get cash off people’ if you want to join we are waiting for our bank to set up the account (could take a few weeks yet, to be honest I am amazed the British Cycling Affiliation took a matter of days, not weeks!)

When the bank account is set up you will be to ‘buy’ your BCC membership online, this is easier for us as:

  • It is automated
  • The money goes direct into the club account
  • Personal details are recorded on a central database for us (so we cna print out Emergency contact lists etc)
  • We can send out newsletters via British Cycling
  • There is less scope for error in subs paid.

When everything is set up a blog/twitter/Facebook message will be put up with how to join. once again thanks for your interest and your patience! This is all new to many of us and a huge learning curve, but slowly things are falling into place, and by the time the spring is in full swing we shall be an official, fully functioning club!




Shop Local: Promoting local small business

From the start we try to use local business to provide services for us, such as using La Taverna to start our rides from and subsequently pop in post ride and pedalling squares for our club jerseys and coffee stops when the route takes us there (usually on ‘week off’ rides).

Quite soon I’d like to produce membership cards for those who are current subscribers to the club, one and perhaps the main reason is for ID and ICE purposes so if we had to alongside our electronic and paper records a member carries an ‘ICE’ (In Case of Emergency) document with them, this would help us let the right people know, and on the back any essential information could be placed (such as essential medication, allergies or essential information paramedics / healthcare professionals may need to know)

Below is a draft example of how they may look, to keep costs down they will be ‘Business Card’ style prints self laminated much like British Cycling membership cards.


The other Purpose is to help us work with local business, allow privileges or discounts for members on cycling essentials, a few other clubs have developed working relationships with local services and business to draw custom their way and as a local club we’d love to be to do the same, while promoting said companies on our website and social media.

at the moment both the cards and the rest of it is just an idea, but if anyone feels they can help out or have any ideas, please do get in touch.

Ride Report: Spennymoor & Blaydon Joint Ride.

First of all 1,309 miles covered by Blaydon legs this week so well done all!

photo 1

Secondly the Blaydon jerseys are getting spotted and getting some love! So many great comments on the design, Pedalling Squares have done us proud.

Today we went to see Spennymoor Cycling Club in their native County Durham. Some of us drove there, some of us took the plunge and rode there.

Three of the BCC members Rob, Paul and Justin extended the 40 mile loop of the ride alongside a ride home to 100 miles (and maybe a little more)

We had cobbles and hail too quite the mixture, all in all a great atmosphere on the ride a few tech issues tyre blow outs and a rear mech failure caused hassle for a few of us but all in all the ride went pretty much incident free (apart from the Garmin maps being a little fussy and telling us too late about the turns)

Rides like this with a show of around 15-20 show how strong cycling is and how clubs can run really well within a ‘social’ setting.

A cracking stop for coffee, cake (and Guinness for two!) in Hartlepool.

We look forward to either being guests or hosting Spenny again, if you’re a club and you’d like to ride out with us, get in touch. we’d be happy to try and arrange something.

It’s official!

As of today Blaydon Cycle Club is an officially affiliated club with the national body British Cycling.

Our listing on the Club Finder is HERE

when it is fully set up we will take membership online as well as cash.

This is just the first step in what we hope to be a great future for the club.

if you have already paid please email us below and include:


we can then add you to the members database, please bear with us as things get set up the membership tool is a new thing to us, so may take some getting used to.

Event: 2 March – Beginners / Intro Ride

  • 2nd March
  • 10:00am
  • The Wheatsheaf Pub (Callerton / Near Newcastle Airport)
  • 11 Miles
  • Mostly flat (no big hills)
  • Event Link HERE

on the 2nd of March Kevin has very kindly said he would lead a ‘Beginners ride’, what we mean by these rides that are a shorter ride than our usual club runs that consist of ‘laps’ of around 10 miles for people new to cycling, just getting back after time off, or new to club riding.

They aim to be on flatter courses and taking in roads that are light on traffic where possible or with suitable cycle lanes  routes.

Our usual club runs are around 40 miles, so these rides offer the chance to get out there at a more relaxed pace, meet new people, and see what riding in a group is like.

You can do one lap or as many as you feel you can do, all we ask is you tell the designated ride leader(s) where you wish to stop (usually at the meeting point on a lap)

The pace will be dictated by the group so it will be as fast as the slowest. GPS route and maps are available below:

The ride has been advertised both on the club social media as well as Sky Ride

Helmets must be worn on this ride, please take notice of any instructions from ride leaders and you are required to ride within the rules of the road.

Please also make sure you have tools and spare tubes in case of a puncture on route.