Archive for Blogs

BCC Website

The Blaydon Cycle Club Website is finally here!


ScreenShot of website

so far it has the basic information on the club, how to meet us, join us, common questions (FAQ), contacts and a detail of places we go.

it also includes the following cross platform services:

  • our facebook posts will be updated with ‘latest news’ blog posts such as this.
  • our facebook events appear in the top right in an events tab
  • our latest tweets also appear on the right
  • you can comment on blogs/news and pages with your facebook ID or twitter / google ID
  • you can like and share pages and posts via facebook

if anyone has any suggestions for what we could add, please comment below, tweet or facebook us! in the coming days want to get the website little tweaks all finished if there is any.

Happy New Year

Happy New Year

BCC Logo

Getting in early when the networks allow, but happy new year to all our riders, subscribers past, present and future.

we are hoping 2014 will be a great ‘official’ first year for BCC, it’s all with your help. every step of the way lessons have been learned and the club developing, and for that, a massive thank you.