Archive for Rob

Hartside Hell #HardsideHell

Just had an email from Metro Radio about the Hartside Hell challenge they are running for ‘Cash 4 Kids’ Details downloadable in the poster below.

hartside hell metro radio

Blaydon Quick Links

Here’s a directory of quick links for the most popular BCC resources: Blaydon Cycle Club Events List Our Strava Group Our Facebook Our Website  Join The Club (British Cycling Link) Club Membership information (Blaydon Cycle Club Link)


Blaydon Cycle Club: Logo Refresh.

Blaydon Cycle Club is delighted to announce a logo refresh, already as a club we have developed from a bit of text, to a crest, and now to a new logo which is more fitting with the clubs colour scheme and it’s already noticeable branding.  After some consulting and a lot of hard work by our designers. We can now reveal our new logo which will be phased in on all Cycle Club literature, club kit and online presence as of now.

The Club has moved on from ‘an idea’ to a club which went from 10 members, to almost 40 within the space of a month when we ‘officially launched’ memberships. The club is constantly growing with membership requests daily and our brand growing. We have a steady ridership and both our ‘club rides’ and ‘development rides’ are gathering motion with ridership often in the high teens to twenties on the average day, with this we were offered the chance of a brand refresh which after discussion amongst those in Blaydon HQ thought in the long term would benefit the club. We’d have a cleaner, more professional image for the clubs future. I myself and I’m sure many of the original handful of members that have been around would have envisioned the club getting to this stage.

A huge thanks goes to D by Design who have designed the new Blaydon Cycling Caps which were the launchpad for our new image, our core colours stay the same, the now familiar Black White and red is here to stay! As mentioned earlier the new logo simply does that design more justice and allows for a cleaner image and a more consistent ability for us brand ourselves both on the bike and off the bike, in kit, online and on paper.

D by Design is a husband and wife team which fuses together a love of design and a love of cycling.

The brand was created out of their own passion for cycling and design, they wanted to combine the two to create handmade design-led accessories for the cycling community. David the cycling enthusiast is the maker of the caps and every cap is created by hand. Laura is the designer and creates the patterns and styles for the caps. They both use their creative knowledge to produce unique cycling cap creations out of their home studio. D by Design is a new brand and is still in the early stages of development, the brand has recently created it’s first series of cap designs based on a Neon colour set with simple patterns and bold colours.

for more information on the brand we encourage you to visit t

And now of course below is our new logo which from now will be rolled out across our club.

New Blaydon Logo

New Blaydon Logo

Tour De France: Contacting our members.

Just as a note to all. our ‘club phone’ is a bit of a brick… it holds its charge, most of us use iPhones, androids and the like with pretty short battery life.

Please feel free to pass on the club number as a means to get hold of any of our group to close friends or family should they need to contact us should they not be able to get a hold of you via the normal methods, Signal may be patchy at best, so we’d recommend they send a text to say who they are are who they need to call back.

The battery if not used on the club phone should last a good couple of days.

07572 760 953 if you need it, and the message will be passed on as soon as possible.


Summer 2014 Jersey Run.

BCC Jersey

Jersey Sizes



We are ordering a Jersey run for summer 2014. please note expressions of interest are open until the 12th of JULY 2014 and payment will have to be made on that day or before it. we will be placing the order that day due to our club being in the development stages unfortunately we can’t hold a reserve. so no payment unfortunately means no jersey. jerseys will cost the same as the last 2 runs £40.00.





#NortheastHour @blaydoncycling’s still getting new members by the day! do feel free to come along and try us for a club ride to see what we are like!

all our rides are listed on our website (top right) we recommend you come along to one of our Development rides first to meet everyone and have a bit of a chat before our usual club rides, however you are welcome to come on any ride! Just simply let us know if you want to come.

Try us out, and maybe join us! £10 a year or £5 for the rest of 2014. We are an affiliated British Cycling Club.

Development Rides: an update & guidelines.

We have just had our 8th Development ride. They’re getting more and more popular each time and we’re seeing a lot of new members and a lot of regular faces develop their skills. As such we have had to tweak the rules, learn from our mistakes and listen to feedback for how we run these rides, while the emphasis is on fun and development there is a very real risk ever present when we use the roads.

Please make sure you read and understand the attached document in regard to Development Rides.

Click the following link to view the document >> development ride info PDF

Development Ride 15 june

Event info is all at

if you are coming please RSVP via the link, send a tweet or reply below using the diqus system, you can also ask any questions this way.

We are pleased to announce the next in our development series, once again massive thanks to Kevin for planning the route and making these the success that they are.

We’ll meet at Kirkley Cycles again, although slightly off our usual meeting point and a little straying from our Blaydon roots the offer of quiet country lanes, a cafe start and relatively flat roads is perfect for this type of ride.

Our beginners /development rides are very popular! often with up to 20 people on! has more details about the  rides on.
They’re for you to get our build confidence, learn to ride with others and progress onto longer rides hopefully with the club!
They have a few simple rules which are posted at the bottom of this post for everyone’s safety.

This ride like many others we have hosted will consist of a small loop for everyone, we then return to ride HQ and those who wish to continue onto the longer development loop can do so. We aim for 10-15 miles depending on the terrain for lap one, for lap two we bring the ride up to around 40 miles in total.

The Development Group rules & guidelines:

– The ‘back marker’ rider won’t allow anyone to fall behind them.

you shouldn’t overtake the leading rider as they are there to help navigate and help manage the pace of the ride, also we can’t look out for you if you are ahead. Naturally, groups will split a little but there will always be a Blaydon jersey (or ride leader) nearby.

– If you have to stop, let whoever is leading your group know for example with any mechanical issues, or you need to stop for a rest.

– we will re group at various points on the initial loop.

– if you spot a hazard such as a pothole generally cyclists will point down at it, if you are not confident you can just shout something such as ‘Pothole!’ you may hear other things such as ‘Car!’ which generally means a car is behind and we should go into single file or allow the car to pass. other calls are made for cars but generally they are obvious as to what is happening.

– ensure you drink enough fluids, hydration is vital, sip small but often generally is the advice from cyclists.

– finally… enjoy the ride, chat to people, ask questions, make suggestions

June 1st – Development group ride.

new to cycling, new to group riding, or just coming back after some time off the bike for whatever reason? This Sunday welcomes in a continuation of our Development rides:(previously beginners rides)

We’re changing the venue once again, we’re testing out Kirkley Cycles near Ponteland

Date → 1st June
Time → 10:00 (for 10:15 departure)
Pace  → 12-13mph (no one left behind)
Venue → Thorneyford Farm, Kirkley, Ponteland, Northumberland NE20 0AJ

The usual format applies, a short 1st lap then a second lap for those wishing to stay.

Development Ride Guidelines


Blaydon Does The Wooler Wheel…

Yesterday a handful of Blaydon Cycle Club members took the (early) trip up to Wooler. Most of us opted for the 100km ride and a few brave souls opted for the 170km route.

A massive thanks has to go to the Wooler Wheel organizers, support staff and volunteers, this included Wooler cycle hub officials, Edinburgh Cycle co-op mechanical support, St John Ambulance and Anderson Drummond photography who were out snapping the riders! (there’s probably more that I forgot)

The only minor issue was huge queues for sign on, but there was a huge amount of riders as well as a new venue for 2014, I have every confidence it will be smoother next time round.

The marshals were at perfect points through the course to assist riders and keep them safe and on course, and any signage was well placed.

The water and feed stops were stocked well with flapjacks, water and assorted other items and were well placed mileage wise.

Every 100km rider that i spoke to enjoyed their day! and i’m sure will be back next year.

For more information on the event and any other Wooler cycling events click over to