Membership Update: 2015 subs & member files.

Member Info: After a quick reminder I have added a few COMPULSORY fields for new members when they sign up via British Cycling:
Emergency contact name, emergency telephone number and a yes/no check box so we know which of our members hold relevant first aid skills.
The above we field is essential, and we would find it useful to know in advance who can help with our group rides getting larger

a non compulsory text field will also allow you to enter any allergies or suchlike we may need to be aware of should the need arise.

This information will be collected when we take 2015 subs. We are still waiting on our 2015 confirmation. I will let you know in due course via a blog when this is ready to roll.

This data will be held for club admin purposes, it will not be used anywhere else, only for reference in an emergency should one arise.

Any questions please ask below.

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