On behalf of the BCC Committee I’d like to announce the Great North Air Ambulance Service (GNAAS)
as the Club’s adopted charity.
As a cycling club we are all too aware of the risks the roads and hills present and, sadly, many of us have at some time witnessed or known an occasion when the Air Ambulance has saved the lives of loved ones, friends and acquaintances.
We are all very aware of the fantastic service they offer and know that one day it might be our turn to be saved.
The JustGiving page can be found here and will be open for donations at any time: www.justgiving.com/blaydoncycling or bit.ly/blaydoncharity
Events and appeals will be organised throughout the year, so please give as generously as you can. Details of these events will be published in our usual way through our social media channels.
We hope you are all as enthusiastic as we are with the decision to support them.
Blaydon Cycle Club Committee
to find out more about the GNAAS, where it covers, and what life saving missions they fly with your donations visit their website at www.greatnorthairambulance.co.uk/ – The Great North Air Ambulance is a registered charity operating three helicopters, operational 24 hours a day, 365 days a year responding to over 1000 incidents per year.