Archive for Club News

Blaydon Cycle Club: Logo Refresh.

Blaydon Cycle Club is delighted to announce a logo refresh, already as a club we have developed from a bit of text, to a crest, and now to a new logo which is more fitting with the clubs colour scheme and it’s already noticeable branding.  After some consulting and a lot of hard work by our designers. We can now reveal our new logo which will be phased in on all Cycle Club literature, club kit and online presence as of now.

The Club has moved on from ‘an idea’ to a club which went from 10 members, to almost 40 within the space of a month when we ‘officially launched’ memberships. The club is constantly growing with membership requests daily and our brand growing. We have a steady ridership and both our ‘club rides’ and ‘development rides’ are gathering motion with ridership often in the high teens to twenties on the average day, with this we were offered the chance of a brand refresh which after discussion amongst those in Blaydon HQ thought in the long term would benefit the club. We’d have a cleaner, more professional image for the clubs future. I myself and I’m sure many of the original handful of members that have been around would have envisioned the club getting to this stage.

A huge thanks goes to D by Design who have designed the new Blaydon Cycling Caps which were the launchpad for our new image, our core colours stay the same, the now familiar Black White and red is here to stay! As mentioned earlier the new logo simply does that design more justice and allows for a cleaner image and a more consistent ability for us brand ourselves both on the bike and off the bike, in kit, online and on paper.

D by Design is a husband and wife team which fuses together a love of design and a love of cycling.

The brand was created out of their own passion for cycling and design, they wanted to combine the two to create handmade design-led accessories for the cycling community. David the cycling enthusiast is the maker of the caps and every cap is created by hand. Laura is the designer and creates the patterns and styles for the caps. They both use their creative knowledge to produce unique cycling cap creations out of their home studio. D by Design is a new brand and is still in the early stages of development, the brand has recently created it’s first series of cap designs based on a Neon colour set with simple patterns and bold colours.

for more information on the brand we encourage you to visit t

And now of course below is our new logo which from now will be rolled out across our club.

New Blaydon Logo

New Blaydon Logo

Tour De France: Contacting our members.

Just as a note to all. our ‘club phone’ is a bit of a brick… it holds its charge, most of us use iPhones, androids and the like with pretty short battery life.

Please feel free to pass on the club number as a means to get hold of any of our group to close friends or family should they need to contact us should they not be able to get a hold of you via the normal methods, Signal may be patchy at best, so we’d recommend they send a text to say who they are are who they need to call back.

The battery if not used on the club phone should last a good couple of days.

07572 760 953 if you need it, and the message will be passed on as soon as possible.


Summer 2014 Jersey Run.

BCC Jersey

Jersey Sizes



We are ordering a Jersey run for summer 2014. please note expressions of interest are open until the 12th of JULY 2014 and payment will have to be made on that day or before it. we will be placing the order that day due to our club being in the development stages unfortunately we can’t hold a reserve. so no payment unfortunately means no jersey. jerseys will cost the same as the last 2 runs £40.00.





Development Rides: an update & guidelines.

We have just had our 8th Development ride. They’re getting more and more popular each time and we’re seeing a lot of new members and a lot of regular faces develop their skills. As such we have had to tweak the rules, learn from our mistakes and listen to feedback for how we run these rides, while the emphasis is on fun and development there is a very real risk ever present when we use the roads.

Please make sure you read and understand the attached document in regard to Development Rides.

Click the following link to view the document >> development ride info PDF

All of our events….

If you simply read this website as opposed to our social feeds (we know a lot of people are not on Facebook, twitter etc for various reasons) save this to your bookmarks!

it’s hosted on facebook but you can view all events even without being a member or signed in.

any questions please post below:

Subs: An update

I’ve had a few emails, tweets, etc etc about new members paying subscriptions:

I thought it would be appropriate to update all on the status of subscribing for those already not ‘paid up’ members who have expressed an interest.

First of all on behalf of the club thanks very much for your support, the growing membership list is great!

We have raised the money initially need to cover set up costs for the club, so now there is no great urgency to ‘get cash off people’ if you want to join we are waiting for our bank to set up the account (could take a few weeks yet, to be honest I am amazed the British Cycling Affiliation took a matter of days, not weeks!)

When the bank account is set up you will be to ‘buy’ your BCC membership online, this is easier for us as:

  • It is automated
  • The money goes direct into the club account
  • Personal details are recorded on a central database for us (so we cna print out Emergency contact lists etc)
  • We can send out newsletters via British Cycling
  • There is less scope for error in subs paid.

When everything is set up a blog/twitter/Facebook message will be put up with how to join. once again thanks for your interest and your patience! This is all new to many of us and a huge learning curve, but slowly things are falling into place, and by the time the spring is in full swing we shall be an official, fully functioning club!




Ride Report: Spennymoor & Blaydon Joint Ride.

First of all 1,309 miles covered by Blaydon legs this week so well done all!

photo 1

Secondly the Blaydon jerseys are getting spotted and getting some love! So many great comments on the design, Pedalling Squares have done us proud.

Today we went to see Spennymoor Cycling Club in their native County Durham. Some of us drove there, some of us took the plunge and rode there.

Three of the BCC members Rob, Paul and Justin extended the 40 mile loop of the ride alongside a ride home to 100 miles (and maybe a little more)

We had cobbles and hail too quite the mixture, all in all a great atmosphere on the ride a few tech issues tyre blow outs and a rear mech failure caused hassle for a few of us but all in all the ride went pretty much incident free (apart from the Garmin maps being a little fussy and telling us too late about the turns)

Rides like this with a show of around 15-20 show how strong cycling is and how clubs can run really well within a ‘social’ setting.

A cracking stop for coffee, cake (and Guinness for two!) in Hartlepool.

We look forward to either being guests or hosting Spenny again, if you’re a club and you’d like to ride out with us, get in touch. we’d be happy to try and arrange something.

It’s official!

As of today Blaydon Cycle Club is an officially affiliated club with the national body British Cycling.

Our listing on the Club Finder is HERE

when it is fully set up we will take membership online as well as cash.

This is just the first step in what we hope to be a great future for the club.

if you have already paid please email us below and include:


we can then add you to the members database, please bear with us as things get set up the membership tool is a new thing to us, so may take some getting used to.

Event: Joint Club Ride (23/3/14)

Event Logo
  • Date & Time: SUNDAY 23rd March 2014 (will be morning)
  • Venue/Location: TBC
  • Distance: TBC
  • Terrain:

Initially an event for Blaydon & Spennymoor clubs we’re looking to get the North East social cyclists out for a ride.

This page is a placeholder for the event, when we have more details we will post as and when we know. we’ve pretty much just had the idea tonight (18 feb) so watch this space and our collective social media outlets.

Event is being hosted at which will also be updated accordingly.

IF you are a North East group who would like to join in or send riders over please contact us.

We aim to ride 40-50 at present we have no planned cafe stop but feel free to stop at any locations on the way. This may however change as plans are drawn up. GPS mapping will be available. Full details and points to consider coming soon.


British Cycling Affiliation: And What it means for Blaydon Cycle Club

British Cycling Affiliation:
And What it means for Blaydon Cycle Club (BCC)

British Cycling affiliation means a cost of £92 to the club which will be met via a subscription system like many other clubs. BCC was originally set out to be free but for growth, and protection of its members and future it’s a great idea to ‘make it official’ costs will be kept as low as possible and the format of our club and rides will remain on the large unchanged.

The system of payment is currently under review , at our first meeting we agreed on a ‘pay per ride’ model this is to be the one we adapt hopefully upon agreement,  but we need to confirm this will work for the club and comply with british cycling rules. (email has been sent to the regional organizer)
£2 a ride was suggested with all monies covering the affiliation costs and any surplus going into a ‘pot’ to fund club essentials / trips away etc an example could be minibus or van hire if we went away.

The alternate way of managing members is to pay an annual subscription via the British Cycling member centre (again most of this subject to BC ways of working which I’m currently inquiring about so although discussed at length at the meeting there is potentially rules we need to comply with)

This will be fed back to members and before we firmly agree on a proper way of working it will be passed by a majority.

For riders / members your first year is free or discounted as a british cycling member, you receive the basic package or can get a discounted rate on other packages. As of 5/2/14 British cycling state the following benefits for members of our club upon affiliation.


‘Club members who have not previously been members of British Cycling are entitled to a special introductory discount on British Cycling membership. Full details of the discounts can be seen here. see for details.

Club members who are club officials will also be covered by the third party liability insurance when acting on the club’s specific instructions.’

For The Club: Insurance cover for rides and club officials – see for more

Also the Membership tool / area benefits include (we’d stick with our own website still) we’d be to have greater communication with people and keep track of our ridership and keep the club more organised. these benefits are as follows:

a) Club Profile

This feature of the tool allows you to create and edit your club profile page which will appear when people find your club on the British Cycling Club Finder. Attract new members by adding a club picture, logo, kit design and some text about the club. You can easily edit who you are open to, what activities you do and when you train.

b) Website Manager

This is a free and easy tool to create and manage your club’s own British Cycling Powered Website – if you already have a club website, this can be configured to compliment your existing site. Create a great looking website with professionally designed HTML templates. Easily insert content with our drop-in modules, including exclusive news and results feeds from British Cycling. There are no charges for hosting or design and no need to buy or install any new software. You can simply edit your site at any time from any web browser.

c) Membership Manager

Manage all your club members in one place, see their British Cycling membership status and race licence, add new club members and use our free subscription management tool to set up your club subscription fees and collect them from your members.

d) Online Subscription Manager

This will allow your members and new members to pay their club subscriptions using British Cycling’s secure web payment system. All major credit and debit cards are accepted on this system. There is no charge to the club and the money will be paid directly into your club’s chosen bank account. No more hassle of having to pay in cheques, manage spreadsheets or chase members for their money.

e) Newsletters

Send out newsletters to all your club members. Newsletters will be easy to create and look great with our professionally designed templates. You can simply add your own text and pictures, then decide which club members will receive them.

f) Messaging

Quick and easy messaging all from your dashboard.  You can send messages to the entire club membership, selected members, the British Cycling Regional team and the British Cycling Admin team.

g) Activity Manager

Create and list all your club activities on the British Cycling powered club calendar. Enable people to sign up for your club activities in a click. Activities will display on the British Cycling website opening your club up to potential new members.